Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Writer of the Day

I wish I was a queen.  The End.................... I LOVE teaching Kindergarten:)

Monday, March 28, 2016

Welcome back from Spring Break

"Writer of the Day"

We had a great day reviewing rules and attending an assembly about the aquarium.  I am posting a writer of the day!  This student wrote about what he did over Spring Break.  Notice he started with a capital letter, left spaces between words, labeled the drawing, used speech bubbles and used a punctuation mark!  Way to Go!  

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy Spring Break

Never a dull moment in Kindergarten!!!  The students had a wonderful time looking for the leprechaun...They followed the footprints and found the leprechauns shoe and today found the pot of gold!  You should have heard the excitement!!!

Tomorrow is Early Release and then it's Spring Break.  Have a Wonderful Spring Break.  Spend quality time with family and enjoy.  Please remember to READ, READ, READ.  I want you to know how much I appreciate all the support you have given Room 2 this year. 
Take Care---Smiles:)

Monday, March 14, 2016

Our Lettuce

What a great project!!  We harvested our lettuce and we are now beginning to grow strawberries.  I hope your child has had as much fun with this project as I have.

We gave our lettuce to third grade teacher, Mrs. Reiersgaard.  She has a pet hamster named Humphrey.  She said he LOVED it!!   We also had yummy smoothies to celebrate our first crop using the aquaponics kit.  What a science filled year!

Bingo Night!!

Bingo Night and Silent Auction is Friday, April 1st.  We are asking for help to put together grade level baskets for the silent auction.  We will be taking donations from now unitl Thursday, March 17th.  Just leave your new donated item with me and I will put it in our basket.

Our Basket Theme for Kindergarten is:  "Movie Night"
Examples of items to include is the basket are:  family DVD's, popcorn, candy, drinks, blanket, small pillow, fun straws, cups, etc. 

Thanks for all you do:))

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Book Character Day

Great Job Kindergarten....We have some awesome looking book characters

We love the Cat in the Hat