Monday, September 29, 2014

Happy Monday

We had a wonderful day in Room 2.  The students were busy learning about the letter H.  They practiced writing the capital letter and the lowercase.  They brainstormed a great list of words that began with the sound and were great detective circling all the h's in the words. 
Today was also library.  What a busy fun-filled day!  Please remember to help your child with their homework each night! 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Young Authors

We have been very busy writing in Room 2.  The students have written several stories about something they know a lot about.  We have had stories about:  Ninja Turtles, Animals, Monster Trucks, Apple Trees and lots more creative stories ;))  It is amazing to see the progress they have made in just 16 days!  Please encourage your child to write at home and retell their  stories to you.  It is such a fun time to watch kids this age learn to grasp new ideas and concepts.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Name Writing Practice

Thank you for your support at home with the Name Writing.  It can be difficult at first but they are already showing great progress.  I will be sending this sheet home for several weeks, so they will get plenty of practice. 

I hope you are enjoying your child's poetry folder.  I sent the poem "Acorn Brown" and the Number 2 poem this week.  Please return your child's poetry folder on Monday of each week. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Homework Folders

      We are making a great transition into a new school year.  Thank you for helping your child decorate their apple.  They look great hanging from our apple tree in our classroom.

       I will send homework folders home with your child next week.  It is very important to return homework daily:)  Homework folders will not be sent home on Friday's.  Thank you for reinforcing at home what they are learning in class.  Your child will be earning rewards for returning their homework folders daily.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Happy Friday

                   We are off to a Great Start!
It was very beneficial having half of the class one day and the other the next..  Each child got a chance to tour the school and learn about our classroom.  Every child in the class is so special and I am fortunate to be their teacher this year.

We began our Kindergarten year discussing the rules and routines for the day.  We discussed our classroom rules:
1.  Use Kind Words
2.  Raise you hand before you talk.
3.  Try your very best

We then read the story, The Gingerbread Man.  After our story we had fun going on a Gingerbread Hunt to find our snack!  The kids were so excited to find the gingerbread cookies:)

Every month I will be sending home a shape of the month.  This month's shape is an apple.  Have fun decorate this shape and please send it back to school with your child's name on the back as soon as possible.

                It's Going to be a Great Year!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Welcome to Kindergarten

Meet the Teacher Night!  4:30-6:00
Tonight is “Meet the Teacher “night and I am excited to meet all my new students and their families.  Please bring in your school supplies so we can get them sorted and put away.  
This year we are having half the kindergarten students attend on Wednesday and the other half on Thursday.   Those students that start on Wednesday will stay home on Thursday and then return to school again on Friday.  This gives the students a “first day” with fewer students.

Staggered Start

Please check the list outside the doors to see if your child’s first day is on Wednesday or Thursday!!

On Friday we will all return together 
See you tonight!!! 

Mrs. Thompson