Behavior Management

Kindergarten Classroom Management Plan
To ensure that each child has a pleasant and positive learning experience, a classroom management plan for kindergarten has been developed.  Every child deserves to learn in an environment that allows them to fully learn and participate.  This plan will help maintain control and structure in our learning environment.

Ridgeview has 3 school wide rules that will also be our classroom rules:
            Be Safe
            Be Responsible
            Be Respect

In addition, our Room 2 Kindergarten classroom has the following rules:
            Use kind words
            Raise your hand before you talk
            Always try your best

In our classroom we have three colored bears (green, yellow and red) that help students maintain their behavior throughout the day.  All children begin the day with their clip on the GREEN bear.  If their behavior or rules are not followed, the following consequences will take place:

First Time:  Talk with the student about their behavior
Second Time:  Child’s clip is moved to the YELLOW bear, they will   l  lose 5 minutes of recess or discovery time and meet with the teacher to discuss their behavior.
Third Time:  Child’s clip is moved to the RED bear, they will lose all of recess or discovery time and contact will be made with the parents by phone or note.

Each day is a new beginning.  All of the students’ clips will start on the green bear every day.

Kindergarten behavior is supported by positive reinforcement.  Some of the rewards for good behavior include:
            Treasure Box

Each day your child will bring home a “Daily Homework Folder.”  Inside this folder I will attach the colored bear (green, yellow, or red) to let you know how your child’s school day went.  Please do not remove the bear from the folder.  If you have questions or comments please note on the cover and sign so that I know you have looked at it.  Please help encourage your child to work towards earning a “green” bear each day!

Thank you for your support.

Treva Thompson

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