Thursday, October 27, 2016

Happy Friday

                                          Early Release Tomorrow!  Dismissal is at 12:30

What a busy and FUN week.  It was a little rainy, but overall the kids were able to get recess on most days! 

Upcoming Focus
  • Next weeks focus Letter:  A
  • New sight word:  "See"
  • Math focus:  Patterning/ Identify groups in a set
  • Writing:  Informative story...Nonfiction stories

    On Monday, October 31st --Our school does not have Halloween celebrations, so please no costumes!  We will have lots of fun activities planned around our curriculum.  (We learned about Spiders this week, so they will be making a cute spider hats.)
Please practice letter names and sounds daily.  We have learned the words:  I, like, the, mom, dad, and love.  Next week we will review all the words and learn the word "see".

We have been learning about 2-D and 3-D shapes.  Ask your child to tell you about a sphere and a cylinder.   We have also been learning to count to 50, by 10's to 100, and backwards from 10.

Turkeys are due next week!  Thanks for all your extra work as a family this kindergarten tradition:)

Next week is our last week of the canned food drive.  If possible, please send in a non-perishable item.

Have a Wonderful Weekend:)

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


This Thursday, October 20th is our Papa's Pizza Fundraiser.  Papa's Pizza on Main Street will give a portion of the profits to our classroom....if our families bring in the special flier designated for 
Room 2.  I will be handing out these fliers tomorrow.  Please mark your calendar and try to either go to Papa's for dinner that night, pick up pizza for take-out, or have it delivered.  Encourage family members to do the same.  Whatever money that our class earns goes DIRECTLY to us!  I can spend it on special toys, games, puzzles, books, art supplies, etc.  I really like to choose things that the students will enjoy.  Thanks for your support as always :))

We had a wonderful time at the pumpkin patch.  As soon as I can get my pictures to load on the computer I will be posting:))  It was a wet day, but the kids had a GREAT time.  It is so refreshing to watch the kids faces as they see and do things together as a class.  We have a very sweet class:))

No Homework sent home today- October 18th!  The kids backpacks are filled with pumpkins!!

This week we are studying the Letter M.  We are becoming experts at writing it, brainstormed words that start with the letter "M" and we will be making a cute little scrapbook page a (monkey) !  

Sight words to practice;
  •  I
  • like
  • the
  • and
Coming Up:
  • Next week is the letter "S"
  • Popcorn this Friday-October 21st
In Math, we have learned the numbers 1-10, and numbers in a set.
Next week we will focus on learning 2D and 3D shapes.  We will be making Shape Monsters:))

Thank you for all your support with helping your child at home!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Happy Thursday

 No School tomorrow--Friday, October 14th!  Have a restful Weekend

We have been very busy writing in Room 2.  The students have written several stories about things that they know a lot about... (We have had several stories about pets)  It is amazing to see the progress they have made in just 22 days!  Please encourage your child to write at home and retell their  stories to you.  It is such a fun time to watch kids this age learn to grasp new ideas and concepts.  Here is a cute little note that a student wrote on the white board!  Thanks again:)

We finished up our ABC bootcamp:)  The students have been introduced to all the letter and sounds of the alphabet.  Next week we will focus on a letter a week to master the letter formation and sounds.  We also learned the words:  I - Like -The and next week we will learn the word AND.

In math we continued to learn about groups of numbers in a set and number writing 1-8.   We continued to explore patterning, number awareness and 2D shapes.

Tuesday- October 18th --Pumpkin Patch Field Trip
Thursday - October 20th-  Papa Pizza Fundraiser.  If you don't have plans already, please plan on Papa Pizza for dinner on Tuesday.  It is a wonderful fundraiser and the money goes back to our classroom.  :))

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Happy October

It was a busy week in Kindergarten.  Lots of of Learning and fun times.  We started reading groups this week.  The students did an excellent job listening, following directions the first time and trying their very best.

Thank you for all your help with Septembers Read Aloud.  October's Reading Log went home in your child's homework folder on Monday.  Please try to read every night for about 10 minutes and don't forget to write the book title on the log.  Remember you can read the same book more than once.

Last week with continued to learn the ABC in sign language and the letters and sounds for the letters A through the letter O and the numbers 1-7.  This week we will work on letters P through T, and the numbers 6 and 7.  The students are making excellent progress learning their letters in sign language.

Thanks for all your continued support at home helping your child write the name the school way.  They are getting so much better :)

We mixed colors red and yellow to make orange.  We then used the paper to make pumpkins.  Below are some great pictures of the process.