Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a wonderful day in Kindergarten.  Look at these AWESOME little kiddos:)

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday:)

Friday, November 18, 2016


It was another busy week in Kinder!  On Tuesday we had a guest speaker from BRING Recycling to teach us about the importance of recycling.  We talked about the 3 R's.  Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse.  The students were very engaged and asked lots of questions :) Some the their questions/comments were very amusing:))

In reading we became experts with the letter C and the word "A".  The kids are learning several words and practicing the letters names and sounds:) It is exciting to watch the students begin to sound out words and begin to read.

In Math, we continued to work on the tens frame and identifying numbers in a set.  The students are getting much better counting and writing their numbers to 20!

Next week we will be learning about Thanksgiving and will end our week with a small celebration(feast).   We will be having pumpkin pie, apple juice, making butter, and wearing a vest that they have made to celebrate the occasion.  They will then talk about what they are thankful for when we sit down to eat together.  This is a great time to celebrate the friends they have made with in Room 2.

Conferences are coming up next week on Thursday, December 1st and Friday, December 2nd.  I will send home a reminder on Monday of scheduled conference date and time.

Thursday, Nov. 24th
Friday, Nov. 25th
Wednesday, Nov. 30th
Thursday, Dec. 1st
Friday, Dec. 2nd

Please keep reading!!!  I will collect November Read Alouds on Nov. 29th and send home Dec. Read Aloud before life gets too hectic:)

Thanks for ALL your support!  We have a Great group of Kids and Parents:))

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Happy 3 Day Weekend

Just a quick reminder NO SCHOOL tomorrow, Friday, Nov. 11th--Veteran's Day

We had a great week of learning!  I can't believe Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  Time is flying by, before you know it will be the Holiday season.  

Thank you so much for returning conference confirmations.  I look forward to meeting you at your scheduled conference time on Thursday, December 1st.  I have been busy assessing your child and will share the information during conferences.

Next Tuesday is McTeacher Night from 4:30 to 7:30.  I will be working from 5:30-6:30, come by and say "HI" and have dinner.    Ridgeview get a portion of the profits made during this fundraiser.

Next Friday, Nov. 18th is EARLY RELEASE

THANK YOU for your support raising money for the Papa's Pizza night.  Our class raised $85.00.  I am planning on using that money to purchase headphones for the kids to use with the ipads.

Have a Great 3 Day Weekend!!  See you on MONDAY:)

Friday, November 4, 2016

Happy Friday

Wow!  What an exciting FUN filled week of learning.  

Here is a fun Science experiment!  We made volcano pumpkins on Monday!!

The students worked very hard this week.  We became experts with the letter A.  We learned how to form the letter correctly, brainstormed words that begins with the letter, and wrote words that started with the sound aaa.

Next weeks focus letter:   Tt
Next weeks new word:    we
In Math, we continued to work on counting to 50, identified numbers in a set, and writing numbers 1-20.   I have some pretty smart little cookies already!

Thank you for the awesome turkeys!!  They are so cute hanging in the hallway.  Feel free to come by and take a look.

On Monday I will be sending home a CONFERENCE information sheet.  Please fill it out and return on Tuesday!!!  I am excited to share about your child's school experience and learn more from you!

NO SCHOOL--Friday, Nov. 11th  Veteran's Day

Have a great weekend!