Tomorrow is our first Early Release
Day. Here is the kindergarten hours for tomorrow.
Starts: 8:35
Lunch: 10:30
Dismissal: 12:30
Picture Day is Thursday, September 28th. I sent home information about picture day in folders yesterday.
Please keep practicing their name
writing! It takes lot of practice to
develop good pencil grips and letter formation. Thank you with your support at home with
name writing.
Next week your child can bring in a sharing on their sharing day. Please remember to put the sharing in a bag
and write 3 clues on the outside of the bag, so the students can guess what’s
inside. Have your child practice counting to 10 daily. They can use their fingers to count.
In writing we are busy collecting work samples at the beginning of the year, so we can compare the growth at the end of the year.
Have a wonderful