Monday, October 16, 2017

Monday Update

Our field trip to Herrick’s Pumpkin Path is this Friday, October 20th from 9:00-10:00.  Please have your child wear boots and coats, we will go rain or shine!

Make sure you mark your calendar for next Wednesday, October 25th to attend Ridgeview Classroom Papa’s Night.  A portion of the proceeds from the families will go directly to our classroom.  Thank you so much for all your support selling the Papa pizza coupons.  Our class did an excellent job and we appreciate all your support!

·      We have been very busy in Room 2 the past couple of weeks.  We have started our small reading groups this week.  In our reading groups we are learning letter names, letter sounds, blending words, segmenting words ( for example:  The sounds in cat are: C-A-T, and introducing sight (heart) words.  We have learned the words: 
I   I   like   the   so far.  This week we will learn the word “and.” 

·      We finished our ABC Boot Camp and we are now focusing on one letter a week.  This week we will focus on the letter “Mm”.  We will become letter experts!  We will practice writing the letter using correct letter formation, brainstorm words that begin with the letter, make scrapbook pages for each letter and many more literacy based projects.

·      We practiced writing simple sentences using spaces between words and using a capital letters at the beginning of a sentence.
·      We practiced writing sentences using the high frequency words: 
I  like   the  _______.  

·      Number writing 1-7
·      We are working on developing number sense to 5, and different ways to represent the number 5.

Thank you again for all your help with homework folders J

Monday, October 2, 2017

Happy Monday

Happy Monday:)

October's Reading Logs are in today's Homework folders.  The goal this month is 20 books.  Excellent Job with September's Reading Log. 

October's Calendar were also sent home today.  Please look under the tab October Calendar  for another copy.

Next art mural project will be this Wednesday.  Please send your child in appropriate clothes to paint in.  They had a lot of fun of Friday painting the color wheel...I hope your child told you all about it.

Papa's Fundraiser kicks off today.  More info. about this in your child's Homework folder.

Here is an overview of what's Happening in Room 2

Reading:  Unit 1  Family
  • Developing concept of print..Show me the front of the book, show me the back of the book, point to the first word on the page, what does the picture tell you about the story, etc...
  • Introducing the Letters of the Alphabet and the sounds using sign language
  •  High Frequency words: I, like, and, the
  • Learning about Capital and Lower Case letters and matching
  • Listening and asking questions about Stories
  • Learning about  Rhyming words.
  • First sounds
  • Compare Texts
Name Writing

This can be a difficult task in the beginning.  Please continue to work with your child at home.  Remind them to start their name with a capital letter and start their letters at the top.  Letter formation is so important.
  • Tracing the letters of the alphabet
  • Write the High Frequency words.

We just finished our pre-test writing samples.  Our first unit of study will be "Informative" writing. 

Math- iReady Math Curriculum-Lesson 1
  • Why do we count?
  • Name Things around the classroom we can count
  • One to one Correspondence to 5.
  • Number identification:   1,2,3,4,5
  • Counting objects to tell the set.

Science / Social Skills

  • School Rules... Be Safe, Be Respectful, and be Responsible
  • Classroom Rules:  Use Kind words, Raise your hand before you talk, Try your very best.
  • We have fish in our aquarium! ... We have 4 new fish friends.  The students voted and named our fish:  Goldie, Double Cutie, Mr. Stripes, and Snowflake!  Love Kinders ideas:)

We are working together as a school participating in a Class Mural Project :)

Thank you for all your help with Homework Folders and Reading Logs!  This is going to be a GREAT kindergarten year!