Thursday, February 1, 2018

Read-A-Thon Event starts today!

February "Read-A-Thon"

Today we are kicking off our annual Ridgeview Read-A-Thon!!  The theme this year is "Reading Through the Ages."  This is how it works.  Over the next month we will be tracking the number of minutes students read or are read to.  Each classroom's minutes will be tracked in the hallway.  The more minutes a classroom reads, the farther Room 2 will travel down the hallway.   Each student will receive a reading log.  Please cut out and fill out each day's reading slip, sign it, and return it to school.  Please remind your student to turn in their signed reading slips each day.  The most important thing to remember is to read to your child every night.  Please remind your child to turn in their reading log EVERY day.  A volunteer will track  how many minutes are read to each students daily and record the minutes.  They will then move our Room 2 mascot down the hallway.  Please feel free to stop by after school and check out the  Read-A-Thon event.  It is one of my favorite activities.  Kids get very excited about reading!!!  I will keep you posted on our classrooms goal. 

  Our Classroom goal is to read 4,590 minutes.
If every student in our class reads 10 minutes a day over the 28 days reading event, we will reach our goal.

The classrooms that meet their reading goal by the end of the Read-A-Thon will be rewarded with a Movie and Popcorn Party!!

  Read, Read, Read:)