Today your child is bringing home their poetry folder. Please listen to
your child recite the poems, Teddy Bear, Teddy
Bear and the Number 1 poem." Please bring Poetry Folders back to school every
MONDAY. We will be adding a new poem each week.
I do not send homework folders on Friday. I will send home their Homework folders on Monday through Thursday. Next week we will begin to work on writing their name the " school way". Name writing can be very difficult in the beginning of the school year. Please be patient with your child as they are learning this skill.
Sharing Begins Next Week
Please help your child find a sharing that begins with any letter of the alphabet.
Please have them put it in a paper sack and write three clues on the
outside of the bag. They have a great time guessing their friends
sharing. This is a great way to encourage oral language.
- For Example:
- It starts with the letter R
- I found it on the road
- It is very hard.
If you guessed a ROCK you are right:)
We have been working very hard learning lots of new skills and routines- Classroom Rules (ask your child about the rules)
- writing the numbers 1 and 2
- writing the letter and word I
- Counting to 20 and backwards from 10
- our ABC sign language song. (ask your child to show you the hand signs for the letters ABC and D
- using how to use glue
- taking turns
- sharing
- Nursery Rhymes
Thanks again for all your support helping make this year a wonderful kindergarten year:)
Please sign up for the Remind app. This remind text message will inform you of upcoming news. Thanks Again and Have a Wonderful Weekend:)
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